Flyers Race Training
Our Flyers Race Training sessions were initiated whilst at the Plas y Brenin slope by Robina McCann and Simon Bromley, the fruits of which have born fruit to a number of some of our better younger racers to date, including Welsh & British age group champions.
Since our move to the Llandudno centre (Jan 2020), we have been able to progress with our program and enhance what we can offer in terms of quality race training. With the longer and re-surfaced slope then Llandudno offers a great opportunity to develope racers of almost all abilities to further their progress and ski racing careers, and we've expanded our presence on the UK racing circuit, growing from 2 Welsh Squad members 2 years ago, to now having 10 of our NWSC Racing members who have achieved Welsh Squad status.
Wednesday evenings are our core Flyers sessions, and they run from 6.30 until 8.30pm each week, almost all year round where possible. And we have recently added our Young Flyers sessions, from 5.30 until 6.45pm for younger prospective and wanna be more active little racers.
During the Spring and Summer months (UK based artificial slope Race Season) we focus on mainly specific race prep and skills, and during the Autumn and Winter months we follow our Rapid Accelerator Program (see below), and work on core skills and technique development.
Flyers specific Facebook page
Ability Groups
We tend to split the sessions up in terms of manageable groups, in order that relevant coaching can be provided.
We usually work on 3 levels
1. Youngsters in the under 12 category all only get to race on stubby (short) gates, so we often separate out the younger ones, regardless of ability, to enable them to focus on that area of training. These are now focused on our Young Flyers session.
2. Those who have achieved Welsh Squad status we consider our top group,
3. and thirdly those who sit in-between those 2 groups. We will on occasion make exceptions, such as someone who is pushing toward Welsh Squad level, or similarly any skiers who may need some more basic skill sets may join the youngsters on occasion.
Rest assured, no one is ignored or thought any less of, and all our coaches are dedicated to encouraging the best participation and enjoyment from each session, encouraging highly focused sessions, which hopefully converts into better results.